We provide a next day Nationwide and International hardback thesis binding service. We have worked with virtually every College and University in the Country as well as many in the UK and Europe. We can send your hardback bound thesis to you or directly to your College, University or Institute.
Prices are listed here for the printing and binding of your thesis. Our printers can count the number of Colour and B&W pages in your thesis. Please contact us for a quotation as we allow big discounts on thesis printing for groups and individuals getting 3 or more thesis bound with us.
Hard Back Thesis Binding €30 each
B&W on 100g Silk Paper 10c
Colour on 100g Silk Paper 25c
Fast Student Friendly Service for Final Year Projects FTP's UL, LIT, Mary I, Limerick
Take the stress out of printing and binding your FYP Final Year Project
View your files on any of our PCs before going to print!
Print from Word or PDF!
More than 1 file, no problem!
Student Friendly!
Very Fast Turnaround.
3 Digiital Printers which print at 60 pages per minute each.
3 PCs to open and view your FYP files before going to print.
We offer all types of binding.
Soft Binding/Heat Binding. Secure binding up to 300 pages,
Beware of cheaper versions where pages fall out
Coil Binding
Wire Binding
Comb Binding
Usual Turnaround Time for 3 copies 15 minutes.
(Printed and Bound)
Great for Job Interviews, As a Present or to go proudly on your book shelf.